Tomato Slicing Machine

According to the tomato diameter, it is possible to slice all kinds of tomatoes with special production beds. As your solution partner, we can produce machines of any size according to your production capacity.

Brand / Model : Genboy / D-001

Machine dimensions as standard:
Width : 2500 mm
Length:6000 mm
Weight: 2000Kg

Capacity :
• Custom Solutions;
• 208 moulds
• 456 moulds

AISI 304 Steinless Chrom
Reducer ; WHD REDUCER ( 63 body 1,1 kW (1 pieces)), (50 Body 0,37 kW For product feed (2 pieces))
Engine ; AEMOT, Electical Power Supply 380 kW
Shaft 100mm diameter Stroke 200 bar for upper slice piston (pneumatic)
Stroke 40 mm diameter *400 bar for belt conveyor piston (pneumatic)
Blades are stainless Chrom
Antibacterial band Polyurethane PU, polyethylene press moulds
Machine has 4 wheels
Digital display
Adjustable speed of product feeding belt